Contact the VBR
Main Line: 970-766-1028
Visit our "Meet the VBR Team" section below to direct any specific questions.
Our office address: 0275 Main Street, G004 Edwards, CO 81632
The Vail Board of Realtors® office is conveniently located in the heart of Eagle County. The office is 15 minutes East of Gypsum and 15 minutes West of Vail Village. The best entrance of Riverwalk is the easternmost entrance off of Highway 6. Make a right and continue past Etown restaurant. Vail Board of Realtors® is located near the Eagle River on the corner of the building, bottom floor. Parking is free on-site but may be limited due to Riverwalk events or home-owner parking.

Meet the Vail Board of Realtors® Staff
Kendra Murray, Association Executive
Phone: 970-766-1028
As the Association Executive, Kendra is responsible to the Board of Directors and the membership for effectively leading and managing the Association in the achievement of its goals and objectives and in accordance with the by-laws and policy governance established by the Board of Directors. She manages the Association’s staff, works closely with the volunteer leadership, and serves as staff liaison between committees and the Board of Directors. Kendra can answer your questions about membership in the association or MLS.
How Amy can assist you:
- VBR, VMLS, and VBRF operations
- Policies & procedures
- Government affairs
- REALFire Program
- Strategic planning
- Volunteer and leadership engagement
- Code of Ethics/ Professional Standards
- VBRF Donation Requests
Matthew Lang, Member Services & Office Manager
Phone: 970-766-1028
The Membership & Office Coordinator is the information hub of the Board office, and is typically the first point of contact for members call or come into to the board office. He helps keep members up-to-date with membership benefits, welcomes new members, makes account profile changes for existing members, and also provides billing assistance.
How the Member Services & Office Coordinator can assist you:
- Membership applications
- Membership changes
- Office transfers
- SentriLock account
- Room rentals
- Member billing & payments processing
- Broadcast Email
- Office management
Jessica Cliver, Vail MLS Manager
Phone: 970-766-1032
As MLS Manager, Jessica manages the daily operations and activities of the Multiple Listing Service and oversees related systems and services including the Sentrilock, the Broadcast Email, and RETS systems.
How Jessica can assist you:
- FlexMLS support
- Broadcast Email
- Market statistics
- RETS/IDX setup and support
- MLS Rules & Regulations
- MLS Policies & Procedures
- MLS training
- Sentrilock support
- Membership support
- Office transfers
Melanie McKinney, Education & Marketing Manager
Phone: 970-766-1031
As Education & Marketing Manager, Mel plans and hosts events and educational sessions, and manages marketing campaigns for the Vail Board of REALTORS® and Vail Board of REALTORS® Foundation. Mel provides Affiliate members with information on their benefits and sponsorship opportunities.
How Mel can assist you:
- Education courses
- Education requirements
- Website/ Social Media for the Board
- Events
- Community Outreach/PR
- Affiliate marketing benefits
- Newsletter
- Sentrilock
Hours of Operation
Business hours for the VBR are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Holiday office closures:
New Year's Eve & New Year's Day
Martin Luther King, Jr Day
Presidents' Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and Friday (day after)
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day