VBR Food Drive
The Vail Board of REALTORS® is collecting NEW non-perishable items to support The Community Market. All VBR member offices can join in the food drive!
We also have a friendly competition for the office that contributes the most food *per number of office members. You can win lunch or breakfast courtesy of the VBR! We will purchase lunch or breakfast for the winning offices (Up to $200 for one Brokerage office and one Affiliate office).
*Example: An office of two people that donates 30 items is higher in the rankings than an office of 30 people that donates the same amount.
We encourage you to promote the food drive and yourself with photos and/or videos. Please share with VBR one of two ways:
- Send photos and videos to mel@vbr.net to be promoted on VBR's social media channels.
- Share on your own channels. Make sure to tag the VBR so that we can like and share. VBR has accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), TikTok, and LinkedIn. We are also on Threads (vailboardofrealtors).

What items are needed?
Anything that is shelf stable and non-perishable.
Dry beans
Pasta sauce
Canned items (vegetables, fruit, beans)
Canned or boxed soups
Mac & cheese
Breakfast & snack bars
Nut butter (Peanut, almond)
Snack crackers
Cereal or granola
Jars of jelly & jam
Paper towels
Shelf stable milk (does not need refrigeration)
What is the timeline?
VBR's Food Drive is August 1 through 31.
Who can participate?
All VBR members can participate! Realtors®, Affiliates, Assistants.
You can ask your clients to contribute (your office will get the credit).
Where can I deliver food?
You can deliver items to the VBR offices in Edwards (Please contact us at 970-766-1028 to deliver).
OR contact us for a pick up at 970-766-1028.
Why are you collecting food?
In Eagle County, over 8,700 community members are food insecure. The Community Market directly distributes food to those neighbors who are experiencing hunger.
Most people think of giving during the holidays, but food pantries and food banks have a need year-round, including the summer months. The VBR is collecting food to meet the year-round needs of The Community Foundation and those who are food insecure in our mountain community.
What nonprofit does this benefit?
The Community Market offers barrier-free access to FREE healthy food in the Eagle River Valley. The Community Market (TCM) is a program of the Eagle Valley Community Foundation.
TCM provides access to free, nutrient-rich food throughout Eagle County. Established in 2018 as a scalable food security system that responds to immediate and long-term food insecurity needs, all customers are afforded barrier-free access to groceries of their own choosing. TCM has three market options that feature a variety of fresh produce, dairy, bread, and shelf-stable grocery items.